Comprehensive Risk Assessment Services in New Zealand | Dignity New Zealand dignity November 28, 2024

Managed IT Services in New Zealand

Comprehensive Risk Assessment Services in New Zealand

Risk assessment services are important for any business or organization. It is the identification of potential risks and is part of the ongoing process of risk management. This process helps identify and assess potential impacts and risks that are likely to occur so you know how to address them.

Dignity enables organizations to identify and manage potential risks to the organization, its employees, customers, and assets. By assessing risks, organizations can make informed decisions about how to mitigate them and take proactive steps to lower the probability of an incident occurring.

Our computer upgrade services can also help organizations identify any weaknesses in their current risk management processes and help them develop more effective strategies for managing risks in the future.

Risk Assessment

When should a risk assessment be conducted?

  • You have started to do things that you have never done before.
  • We recently experienced a potential hazard in our current process.
  • To ensure that no new risks are overlooked during the project.

What types of risk assessments are there?

Generic: Used to cover common hazards such as duplication of work and proverbial paperwork. This sort of risk assessment considers the hazards of a single activity when it may be performed in different areas or locations of the workplace.

Location-specific: A rating for calculating the risk of working at a particular location. This type of evaluation is done for a specific project and considers the location, environment and people doing the work.

Dynamic: Occurs when it is necessary to assess the situation on-site. Used to deal with unknown and imminent risks. Common use cases are emergency services and caregivers in environments that need to be continuously evaluated.

Benefits of Risk Assessment Services

  • Risk assessment can help organizations identify potential risks before they become a problem and allow them to take steps to mitigate or prevent them.
  • It can also assist organizations to develop more effective risk management strategies and ensure that their processes are up-to-date with current regulations and best practices with web protection
  • Our services help organizations identify the sources of risks, the potential consequences of those risks, and the likelihood of an incident occurring.
  • Finally, our services can help organizations save money by reducing the costs associated with responding to and managing an incident.

Comprehensive Risk Assessment Pricing:

ServicePriceSpecial Offers/Discounts
Comprehensive Risk Assessment$35 per device/month50% off for the initial assessment.


24/7 System Health Monitoring
Comprehensive IT Reporting
On-Site Technical Support
Hybrid Local & Cloud Backup
Comprehensive Risk Assessment
Email Protection Services
IT Infrastructure Solutions
Automated Patch Management
Quarterly IT Performance Review
Network Health Maintenance
Strategic IT Consulting
Microsoft Licensing Management
Web Security Solutions
Customized IT Training
Remote IT Support
Secure NAS/SAN Backup Solutions
Third-Party Vendor Management
Advanced Security Suite
Pro Active IT Support
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